
Automatic Cash


Money changers


Automatic Cash is a machine designed to accept automated cash payments and able to return the exact change in any type of commercial activity, responding to retailer's need for compactness, efficiency, control and security.

The standard version can be connected to any management software and/or till present in the business. If no management software is present in the commercial activity, the ADVANCE version of Automatic Cash shall act as cash register standalone, also presenting the option to be connected to a printer.
Automatic Cash is equipped with a quick coin acceptor; coins of any denomination are inserted by customers into the machine and rapidly counted: the coins shall then be used to fill in the payout system used for giving the exact change to customers when needed.

The machine accepts all denominations of banknotes, using two of these as possible change through the recycle system. Automatic Cash's recycle system, both for coins and banknotes, guarantees large volumes of payments and change using only a small initial amount as stock. Through the 7" monitor or through the two-line display, payments will be easy and intuitive for anyone facing transactions in all kinds of commercial activities. This way, the operator also avoids any contact with money. This is one of the main advatanges of Automatic Cash: to guarantee higher hygienic standards, especially in businesses where food and drinks are sold, ensuring that staff handling food and drinks shall not come in contact with potential germs and dirt present on coins and banknotes. Money transactions are managed safely, leaving out possible shrinkage, counting errors and minimizing potential theft. The machine can be connected online via ADSL, recording all transactions, and can also be managed remotely: this guarantees a constant and efficient control of daily business by the authorized staff through ID recognition. Different user profiles can be defined to have safe access to the menu and machine management. Automatic Cash is available in any colour and the front cover can be customized to match each interior design and to fit with any business and shop counter. Extremely compact, efficient and technologically advanced, Automatic Cash is suited for any business that looks after its customers by increasing hygienic standards and making each payment transaction quick and safe.


Component list

Switching: Mean Well RS-150-12/24

Hopper: ITL SMART Coin System with Smart Hopper

Note validator: JCM iPRO-RC recycler

Industrial PC board control: Advantech AIMB-212

Monitor: TFT-LCD 15” touch screen

Electrical locking with remote control CISA11731-60-1



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